The context for Guilty Gear X is presented thusly in its game manual: In 2181, less than a year later after the incident with Justice, information about the discovery of a particular Gear rose to the public's attention. The report stated that the Gear was functioning properly, undamaged and with no abnormalities detected, and that no civilians were harmed by it, either intentionally or accidentally. There were attempts to destroy it, but all were unsuccessful due to its combat capabilities.
As most Gears should be dormant without Justice's leadership, these news stunned the public. People were terrified by the possible emergence of a second self-reliant Gear like Justice, exarcerbated by rumors of each nation having their own Gears for military use. Driven by an all-time high anti-Gear sentiment, humanity did not want to give up their peace after the hundred year-long Crusades. Soon, an announcement was made: "Whosoever brings about the demise of this dreadful Gear shall be rewarded with the lofty sum of 500,000 World Dollars!".