If you don’t even know what **gSquare** is, let me tell you a little bit more about it. gSquare is a PSP game developed by **Geecko and meastnt** for the PSP Genesis competition. I had given permission to translate this awesome homebrew game in many new languages!
Why this name ? g for Gravity and Square for … You know. The gravity is an integrated part of the game : gSquare is a **platform game** where you control a Cube, you’ve got to finish each level under the due time. And you can **control the gravity** as well by pressing L and R : take advantage of this power to overcome the difficulties! It will take you a part of agility and reflexion to finish the levels.
The difficulty grows over time and **new types of block** will be unlocked all along the way.
gSquare was developed by GeeckoDev & Maestnt, Released in 2011-05-20
gSquare was Released on PSP
gSquare is a Single Player game