Greg Norman Ultimate Challenge Golf
Endorsed by pro golfer Greg Norman, this golf sim places you on the Medalist
Golf Club stationed in Florida (which Norman himself helped to design), and
Norman acts as your host in the course, giving fly-by narrations and insight
on the course, as well as accompanying you on golfing rounds.
Gameplay is standard golf fare, with the addition of two modes: arcade and
simulation. On arcade mode you have the usual 3-stage power bar for your
swing. While on simulation mode you just click whenever you want the ball to
go and your golfer swings. The trick is on simulation mode: 40 editable
statistics are taken into account for the accuracy, power, etc of the swing.
So depending on how you have customized your golfer you’ll have a good long-
range game, but be weak in the wet, etc..
Graphics consist of mostly digitized photo-realistic images.