## My Backstory
I have been experimenting with creating games for some time already, this is one of my little more serious attempts, it has been made in about one month in small time intervals (I am not sure when game was started and if previous versions may be counted in, but it may begun about month ago), changed a lot during that time and most likely will change a lot more after too.
Game is in extremely early state, so there is not much to see currently, there are no level progression, there are no proper graphics, fortunately frame rate drops and leading times have been kept at minimum. It is currently not polished aswell, there are left some comments and possibly information from V1.0 what are no more up to date.
### How to play
Each time you start game, new map is generated, at start it does not generate enemies (it is temporary solution for players what just want to explore the map and choose if they want to play it) Enemies can be generated with pressing key L at keyboard.
Most of controls can be seen while pressing (and holding) M button.
Small menu showing FPS and some stats will be showed when pressing J key.
### Version History
V 1.0 – First release (never released) what was running more or less smooth.
V 1.1 – Added enemies, menu, options, death position sprite(when you die it shows up, if you had any points, they are lost until you get to death position, after you get to, sprite change color of eyes to red ), some minor fixes and possibly something more. First Release !
### Known issues and some near future plans
1) Working options (currently options is just to show what you will be able to change, Scale change must be working though.)
2) Sounds / Music (game currently have no sounds)
3) Better sprites and graphics (graphics for now are really basic)
4) Fix enemies and players getting through walls.
5) Better enemy AI .(Player oriented AI)
6) Better effects/ Particle effects.
7) Port to mobile phones and touch devices .
8) Several game modes
9) Water / Lava and different biomes
10) Story, GAMEPLAY, level progression …
11) Collecting several bonuses in same time, do not sum up protection.
12) Enemies spawn randomly, need algorithm what will scheck their positions after generations and change them to not be in way.
13) Non generated map selection, option to save map and load (you can download array with pressing button K and use at your games or something later plan is to save all interesting generations and add to custom map selection.)
14) Several generation algorithms.
15) MORE, MORE !
### Plans for update 1.2
1) Options – Working bonus length time set, enemy, bonus min and max counts, Cave size.
Possibly, custom map size, but it will ask some mayor changes in code.
2) Automatic level progression (option what asks you, if you want to repeat the same game or go to next one.
3) Automatic enemy generation on game entry.
4) New generator algorithm ?
5) Some other types of bonuses, enemy sprites.
6) Somewhat better enemy AI
7) New game mode – Switch gravity and move physics objects to needed positions.
p.s These are just estimated changes, some of them have been started already (options), but others not. There may be some other changes too what are not mentioned, like other sprites .
### Later…
At start game was not planned to be platformer, but with different games modes I hope to make some other variations of this game :
> Control only gravity angle, move boxes, items to specific positions
> Top down shooter with same generated maps
> Terraria clone ?
Plan is to go to playable and interesting enough version till end of this year. Eventual goal is to make it worth to be commercial product. For now, it will be fully free to play π
### Even more later…
Porting game to other engine like Unity or Unreal would allow real-time shadows, water and lava physics , semi 3D or full 3D graphics and much more ! It is something what will be done depending on how successful this game goes.
### Ideas, suggestions, want to help ?
IF you have any ideas, comments, suggestions or want to help – write to me, I am pretty bad at making sprites and artwork, so it may be your chance to see your sprites or backgrounds at game !
One of things what will be changed soon is black background and general game sprites look. I will not do it as good as you may do π
Gravity Jumper V1.1p (Alpha) was developed by Hoggenot, Released in 2014-08-19
Gravity Jumper V1.1p (Alpha) was Released on Windows,Linux
Gravity Jumper V1.1p (Alpha) is a Single Player game