Global Operations is a first-person tactical shooter computer game developed by Barking Dog Studios and published by both Crave Entertainment and Electronic Arts. It was released in March 2002. (Wikipedia)
Global Operations is a first-person tactical shooter computer game developed by Barking Dog Studios and published by both Crave Entertainment and Electronic Arts. It was released in March 2002. (Wikipedia)
You must deceive your enemy and be ahead. Your magic and potions will help you with that. You can buy potions in shops with golden coins gained from exchanging wood, stones and meat. Friendly towers will help you in battle. Enemy also has own towers that you must evade. Goal of the game is to collect the randomly spawned crystal. Don’t let your enemy to grab it first. For this crystal you can upgrade your power, health or mana. Also you have 4 helpers that will bring your resources. You can control them too.
You must deceive your enemy and be ahead. Your magic and potions will help you with that. You can buy potions in shops with golden coins gained from exchanging wood, stones and meat. Friendly towers will help you in battle. Enemy also has own towers that you must evade. Goal of the game is to collect the randomly spawned crystal. Don’t let your enemy to grab it first. For this crystal you can upgrade your power, health or mana. Also you have 4 helpers that will bring your resources. You can control them too.
Minimum System Requirements | Recommended System Requirements | |
CPU | Intel® i5-4590, AMD FX 8350 equivalent or better | 2 Ghz |
RAM | 1000 MB RAM | 1000 MB RAM |
OS | Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 | 7+ |
Graphics Card | NVIDIA GeForce® GTX 780, AMD Radeon™ R9 290 equivalent or better, Video Output: HDMI 1.4, DisplayPort 1.2 or newer | Any |
Direct X | DirectX 8.0a | DirectX 8.0a |
SOUND CARD | Any | Any |
HDD Space | 400 MB available space | 350 MB available space |
CD-ROM | 4x CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive | 8x or faster CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive |
Game Analysis | Enter in to the world of specialised warfare. Global Ops will put you in real world hot spots such as Chechnya, Sri Lanka, Beirut and the South China Seas. Each level seamlessly integrates building exteriors, interiors and terrain to create a realistic and palpable atmosphere that effectively recreates the location. Global Ops will feature over 25 elite fighting forces based on authentic special forces, peace keepers, rebel groups, guerilla forces and terrorist groups. The game will also feature a specialty class system for which players can choose from six customizable specialties including sniper, recon, medic and heavy gunner | |
High FPS | 0 FPS ( GTX 1060 ) | |
Note | Keyboard, Mouse, Microphone and Headphones | |
Optimization Score | 10 |
Release Dates
2002-Mar-25 - Pc (microsoft windows) - North america
2002-May-10 - Pc (microsoft windows) - Europe
2017-Apr-27 - PC (Microsoft Windows) - Worldwide
Game Engines
Game Modes
Game Themes
Player Perspectives
ak-47,ammo,armor,assault rifle,aw50f,benelli m3 super 90,beretta m12,beretta m9,bomb,bullet penetration,c4,camping,class change,class-based shooter,classes,clip,colt anaconda,commando,computer,counter-terrorists,crouching,currency,dedicated servers,desert eagle,double barreled shotgun,expanding crosshair,explosion,first person shooter,first-person perspective,fn fal,fn five-seven,fn p90,fps,gas grenade,gas mask,glock 18,grenade,grenade launcher,gun,h&k g11,h&k g36,h&k hk21,headshot,health,hk69,hostages,in-game map editor,infinite ammo,iron sights,light machine gun,lithtech engine,m1911,m240,m249 saw,m26 grenade,m4 carbine,m72 law,magazine,military,modern military,modern warfare,mp5,mp5k,night vision goggles,online,pistol,psg1,reloading,remington 700,remington 870,rifle,scout class,shooter,shotgun,sig pro sp 2340,sig sg 550,silencer,smoke grenade,sniper rifle,sniping,spas-15,stoner lmg,submachine gun,svd dragunov,tactical shooter,terrorist,terrorists,ump .45,upgradeable weapons,usas-12,usp,uzi,wasd movement
ESRB Age rating

PEGI Age rating

The content of this game is suitable for persons aged 16 years and over only.
It contains: Realistic looking violence.
Barking DogBarking Dog StudiosBlaiz EntertainmentBohemia InteractiveGlobal Operations
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ak-47ammoarmorassault rifleaw50fbenelli m3 super 90beretta m12beretta m9bombbullet penetrationc4campingclass changeclass-based shooterclassesclipcolt anacondacommandocomputercounter-terroristscrouchingcurrencydedicated serversdesert eagledouble barreled shotgunexpanding crosshairexplosionfirst person shooterfirst-person perspectivefn falfn five-sevenfn p90fpsgas grenadegas maskglock 18grenadegrenade launchergunh&k g11h&k g36h&k hk21headshothealthhk69hostagesin-game map editorinfinite ammoiron sightslight machine gunlithtech enginem1911m240m249 sawm26 grenadem4 carbinem72 lawmagazinemilitarymodern militarymodern warfaremp5mp5knight vision gogglesonlinepistolpsg1reloadingremington 700remington 870riflescout classshootershotgunsig pro sp 2340sig sg 550silencersmoke grenadesniper riflesnipingspas-15stoner lmgsubmachine gunsvd dragunovtactical shooterterroristterroristsump .45upgradeable weaponsusas-12uspuziwasd movement
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