Take command of the Gatling Tank for one of the most intense gaming experience that is on Android!
Ready for 27 levels of non-stop action? browse various environments, fight against more than ten different types of enemies as infantry, tanks, defense towers and even bombers!
Gain experience in leading missions by performing combos and Upgrade your tank at the end of each level!
Features :
\- 27 levels with various environments
\- upgrade your tank between each of the missions
\- 11 differents enemies to fight, like towers, heavy tanks or bombers !
\- Full 3d Engine and Heavy Metal Soudtrack
\- No in-app purchase, buy the game and just have fun !
Play it for free on Google Play
Gatling Tank was developed by Naphelia Games, Released in 2013-06-30
Gatling Tank was Released on Android,AndroidTab
Gatling Tank is a Single Player game