## Description
_Gamepac 1_ is a collection of four programs.
* _Target_ is a shooting game where the player controls a gun on the ground and has to shoot down the various robot spaceships that fly past above it. Controls are limited to tilting the gun barrel left and right and shooting missiles. Missiles can be steered after launch by moving the barrel. There are three different targets with different point values: big cargo ships (100), small scout ships (200) and parachutes (600). Parachutes appear when two ships collide. Points decrease when a ship escapes and when a missile misses its target. The aim is to get the highest score before time runs out and extra time is given when reaching certain scores.
* _Life_ is a conversion of John Conway’s Game of Life. There are seven pre-made patterns to run or the player can create a custom one.
* _Pattern_ is a program that generates patterns in a kaleidoscopic format. The player can start an automatic pattern or create one by entering horizontal and vertical values as input data.
* _Zing_ is a paddle game for two players. It is similar to Pong with players moving their paddles up and down but here multiple balls are launched from the centre of the screen with up to five balls in play at the same time. The aim is simply to return them to the centre and if successful the balls will move faster until a ball is missed which causes the initial speed to be restored.