GameCenter CX: Arino no Chousenjou 2
The digital version of Game Master Arino returns, hurtling you back into the
past once more. However, unlike the original Retro Game Challenge, this time,
you’ll be tackling games from all sorts of systems, including handhelds,
8-bit, 16-bit and disk systems too! Can you conquer them all?
Game Center CX: Arino no Chousenjou 2 is the sequel to Retro Game
Challenge. Once again, players must complete tasks in each game set by Game
Master Arino to unlock more games with their own tasks. There are four tasks
to complete in each game, and sometimes, the player can discover hints and
cheats within game magazines to assist them with beating the challenges. Your
friend Arino will cheer you on while you play, and also offer help at certain
points in the game.
Arino no Chousenjou 2 includes a whopping 15 different games, including
those based on Pac-Man (Wiz-Man), Super Mario Bros. and Ghosts ‘n Goblins
(Demon Returns), Kung Fu (Mutekiken Kung Fu), Famicom Detective Club
(Detective Kacho) and Tetris (Triotos). There are also new editions of games
from the original game.