Gallop Racer 2001
_Gallop Racer 2001_ is the first in the series to make it’s appearance on the
PlayStation 2 console. The player can partake in a simulation where, as an
owner of a stable, they can buy, sell, retire and breed various race horses
throughout their career while training and conditioning them along the way.
The player will start out with a small amount of _Jockey Points_ that act as
currency in this game, using this to start out their stable by buying a horse
and entering them in races. Depending how well their horses and jockeys
perform during races, they can continue to expand their empire and become the
best in the business.
Not only can the player act as an owner, on race day they can also become the
jockey and use their horses strengths to win races in a variety of tracks. The
player must play to their horse’s strengths and avoid exposing their
weaknesses through various weather conditions. If the player and horse does
well enough, the horse’s attributes can change after the match, but also be
affected negatively if they do poorly.
There is also a _Practice_ mode where the player can learn how to play the
game through the various modes and even have the ability to bet on horse
races, however this can only be done on this mode. Players can also go head-
to-head in a split-screen, either with default horses or ones from their
season mode.
Gallop Racer Game Series [View Gallop Racer Full Game Series]
- Flashover MegaSector
- Euphoria: Supreme Mechanics
- Fallout 76 Tricentennial Pack
- A Hole In Space
- A hermit crab is finding a house
- Dorky Fork
- Planet Of Pirates
- Rascal Fight
- Maitetsu:Pure Station
- Bio-Gun
- Motorsport Manager for Nintendo Switch
- A Calm Memory Game
- SCP: Ascension
- Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl
- Better Boyfriend