Galactic Rising: Story of the Wasteland [OBSOLETE] was developed by Aerix Art Games, Released in 2018-12
Galactic Rising: Story of the Wasteland [OBSOLETE] was Released on Windows
Galactic Rising: Story of the Wasteland [OBSOLETE] is a Single Player game
Galactic Rising is an open world STAR-WARS first person shooter like no other. With a whole new story, and whole new era, you play as Daliq, a lost son of Han Solo, during the ending of the galactic civil war. With a complete backstory, and take to tell, Galactic Rising, is an open world game with much backstory, depth, and content to explore. Taking place in the galactic wastes of Tatooine, the desert planet of the galaxy largest spaceport, Daliq is left with nothing. Soon after the defeat of the empire and destruction of the second Death Star, dark alliances arise, and Tatooine is threatened with them. The marks Daliq will leave on the history of the planet, Tatooine, and the history of the rebel cause will be extravagant. The Galaxy will be changed…FOREVER. LINKS, STORY DETAILS, AND GAME PHOTOS WILL BE RELEASED SOON, AND THIS GAME IS A HUGE WIP, THERE IS MUCH TO DO, AND MUCH PASSION HERE, ALL RIGHTS TO THE ORGINAL CONTENT OWNERS, DISNEY, AND EA GAMES COMPANY LLC.