FROG SORD was developed by MECH6
FROG SORD was Released on Windows
FROG SORD is a Single Player game
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Once upon a time there was Frog
Who lived at the edge of the bog
Because he was green
The villagers mean
And just because Frog was a frog.
Frog went into market for food
Heard an ol’ lady’s tale to her brood
Of a Princess and Kiss
Turned a frog to a Prince
And this Prince was one handsome-ass dood.
This could bring Frog lots of bliss
But surely there’s something amiss.
With big muscles and chin
Frog would surely fit in
But what Princess would give him a kiss?
At the top of the ruins lies a Sord
He’ll use it to fight off the horde
No matter the pain
Cleaving bad guys in twain
Because that is how kisses are scored.
FROG SORD is an action platformer inspired by Super Meat Boy and Ninja Gaiden.
**Redmond Team**
Zack Bell