Freddy Fish
Freddy Fish is an arcade action game where your goal is to become the
biggest fish in the sea! On each screen, you need to eat all of the fish to
proceed to the next level. You will only be able to eat fish that are smaller
than you, but as fish are eaten you grow in size.
There are three different screens on which you need to eat fish: In the first
screen you are in the open sea and need to dodge larger fish, a diver, and
fishing nets from the boat on the surface while eating little white fishes to
grow bigger and bigger.
In the second screen you are in a narrow maze of fishing nets. You lose a life
if your fish touches a net, and the bigger your fish gets the tougher it will
be to navigate the maze! Eat the three pink fishes and a gap will appear on
the right hand side of the screen, through which you can exit to the last
In the last screen you need to rescue your fellow fishes who are trapped in a
net. As time ticks away they are captured onto a boat. Eat the little white
fishes and avoid the fishing hooks, when you are big enough you can bite
through the net and get bonus points for the remaining fishes.
After all three screens are completed, the game repeats at a tougher
difficulty level.