This game, “FORTRESS DEFENDER”, is a side-scrolling power-up shooting game with an 80’s flavor. Defeat the enemies that appear one after another, dodge their attacks, and aim for the boss that lurks in the depths of the stage. There are a total of eight stages with various tricks and bosses.
## About This Game
This game, “FORTRESS DEFENDER”, is a side-scrolling power-up shooting game
with an 80’s flavor.
Defeat the enemies that appear one after another, dodge their attacks, and aim
for the boss that lurks in the depths of the stage.
There are a total of eight stages with various tricks and bosses. There are
multiple endings, depending on the difficulty level.
A lot of effort has been put into the background music and sound effects, and
there are many hot BGMs to ignite the gamer’s spirit.
## Game Description.
The game is a return-and-resurrect system, but resurrection is relatively
easy. You can enjoy the game’s strategy.
Difficulty levels can be selected from easy, normal, hard and above, making
the game suitable for beginners to advanced players.
The number of remaining planes can be selected in the range of 3 to n. You can
continue the game in stages.
If you don’t shoot for a certain period of time, you can fire a burst of
bullets to destroy the enemy bullets that are approaching you.
## [Operation]
Use the joystick to move your ship up, down, left or right.
Use the attack button to shoot bullets.
If you hold down the attack button, you can shoot automatically.
Press the hold button to fix the position and angle of the option.
Press L and R button to change the direction of your ship’s bullets.
If you don’t shoot for a certain period of time, you can fire a burst of
bullets to destroy the enemy bullets that are approaching you.
## [Items]
If you destroy a certain number of enemies, an item will appear.
Missile unit
Increased firing power
Weapon change
Options / 2 and 3 cannons
Bonus items
When you collect an item, your ship will become invincible for about one
second. This can be used for emergency evasion.
Collecting five items will replenish one shield for enemy bullets. You can
stock up to three.
When the stock is full, you can use powerful special weapons for a certain
period of time.
## [Equipment]
At the start of the game, you can choose one of three types of equipment.
Take advantage of the power-up features to attack the stages.
## type-1
Your ship will be equipped with optional weapons.
You can use shields to protect your ship from enemy bullets.
Weapons include a main shot and upper/lower spread missiles.
Special weapons are given the effect of being able to destroy enemy bullets.
## type-2
Optional weapons are not included, but the main shot will be powered up to 2
or 3 cannons.
Enemy bullet shields can be used.
The weapons are the main shot and homing missiles.
Special weapons can slow down the progress of time.
## type-3
Your ship will be equipped with optional weapons.
There is no shield against enemy bullets.
The only weapon is the main shot.
A powerful homing missile will be fired as a counter to enemy bullets.
When you perform a counter attack, your stock will be accumulated.
The special weapon is a bomb with a wide frontal hit radius.
## Other Key Controls
“ESC” key to stop the game.
Use the “P” key to pause the game.
The “Z” and “X” keys allow you to fine-tune the screen position.
Use the “F9” to “F12” keys to change the resolution (default is “F12”).
You can reset the controller settings with the “F1” to “F4” keys.
The “I” key reverses the controller up and down.