“Forest Soup” is a horror game about a boy named Oliver OliveTree and his magical flying pet creature named Fogo. Oliver and Fogo become hungry as the day nears its end. The two characters decide to make forest soup for dinner, a legendary soup that has a taste that is out of this world. The two eventually realize that they do not have the ingredients to make this soup. Fogo tells Oliver that all the ingredients can be found at a place called “Black Cloud Island”. Fogo takes Oliver to the entrance of the island where the game begins. Take the role of Oliver OliveTree and skydive down below to this mysterious place called “Black Cloud Island” in search of the ingredients for the so called Forest Soup.
Forest Soup was developed by snowconesolid, Released in 2013-10-31
Forest Soup was Released on Windows,Mac,Linux
Forest Soup is a Single Player game