Fleshforward was developed by Linked Rooms Games, Released in 2017-12-09
Fleshforward was Released on Windows,Mac
Fleshforward is a Single Player game
Life in New Wells has been destroyed by a catastrophic event: something transformed the citizens into violent monsters without control, fierce cannibals devouring each other. Along with a destroyed society, New Wells is now more similar to Hell itself where human life has no more value. Two people are still alive thanks to lucky circumstances and personal skills: Seph Garrett and Hellen Bates are united and divided at the same time. He is an undercover cop, she is a well-known criminal: they are natural enemies, but now they need to cooperate to save their lives. The city is now a deadly labyrinth and death is around the corner.
**ACTION & STEALTH** \- Fleshforward will feature an action/based combat system focused on firearms: no turn based combat then, but pure action. But be careful: having a “shooter” approach is going to be an error: enemies are many and you will find yourself outnumbered. A stealth approach is the best choice sometimes.
**TWO CHARACTERS, ONE ADVENTURE** \- Seph and Hellen, the two main characters, will share a game world free to explore “with caution”: danger will be everytime behind the corner. Carefully written dialogues, interesting story and puzzles will put your brain to work.
**RPG MAKER ENHANCED** \- Fleshforward will go over RPG Maker classic limits to offer a unique gaming experience, something new and at the same time inspired to classics of the survival horror genre. Prepare yourself for a big story full of easter eggs.