According to legend, a deserted town now serves as the lifeless reminder of a once-powerful kingdom. The young son of a missing king reaches this land after a long journey, finding only an abandoned castle-and a magic crystal. Though tarnished by years of neglect, the crystal has maintained its luminous glow and bestows upon the boy the power of architek, the ability to manifest memories into reality. With the help of his loyal servants and courageous adventurers, the new king dutifully prepares to rebuild his people’s homeland in this new realm.
According to legend, a deserted town now serves as the lifeless reminder of a once-powerful kingdom. The young son of a missing king reaches this land after a long journey, finding only an abandoned castle-and a magic crystal. Though tarnished by years of neglect, the crystal has maintained its luminous glow and bestows upon the boy the power of architek, the ability to manifest memories into reality. With the help of his loyal servants and courageous adventurers, the new king dutifully prepares to rebuild his people's homeland in this new realm.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Game Series [View Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Full Game Series]
- Flashover MegaSector
- Euphoria: Supreme Mechanics
- Fallout 76 Tricentennial Pack
- A Hole In Space
- A hermit crab is finding a house
- Dorky Fork
- Planet Of Pirates
- Rascal Fight
- Maitetsu:Pure Station
- Bio-Gun
- Motorsport Manager for Nintendo Switch
- A Calm Memory Game
- SCP: Ascension
- Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl
- Better Boyfriend