Fiend Hunter
Feed Sluster is a fiend hunter: a man who takes job that involves elimination
of mysterious beings known as fiends. One day he is contacted by a woman named
Beth, who offers him a more demanding job, which involves investigating shady
activities between humans and fiends, and getting to the bottom of the entire
mystery, discovering the origin of the fiends and determine their ultimate
Fiend Hunter is a cinematic platformer set in an Old West-like environment
with supernatural elements. With the exception of the initial town and a few
other locations, the game is spent in areas that require carefully navigating
Feed through a series of platform-like structures. Controls and animation
resemble those of Prince of Persia. Feed can jump, run, perform a running
jump, hang on ledges, pull up or drop down, kneel and crawl. He also takes
falling damage; the primary challenge during platforming sequences consists of
preventing him from falling down.
Enemies only appear at pre-set points; each battle is one-on-one, and it is
impossible to escape from a fight. Coupled with the enemies’ high HP count and
varied attack patterns, this essentially turns each encounter into a boss
battle. Feed fights with a sword and can perform various moves, combining
attacks with jumping and ducking. He can also gain access to a few magic
A little fire fiend named Exy accompanies Feed on his journey. Exy can be used
as offensive and defensive enhancement in combat, and can also be set to light
dark areas. Each enemy drops a special orb that can be used to increase Feed’s
vitality, attack power, or magic, as well as teach Exy more powerful attacks,
which gives the game a light RPG flavor. Feed can also equip rings and buy or
find health-restoring and protective potions.