FAR Colony was developed by farcodev
FAR Colony was Released on Windows
FAR Colony is a Single Player game
FAR Colony (FARC) is a space strategy game, either turn-based or in realtime according to the player’s choice, that taking place in a hard science-fiction future.
The plot is about the setup of one of the first extrasolar colony, based on a semi or fully private initiative according to the options chosen at the start of a game, a certain number of years after that the first manned interstellar experimental flight occured.
The player will have, in a first phase, one standard year (Earth based) to settle and make his colony viable, and also to answer favorably to the goals imposed to the player’s faction via the objectives of the Colonization Phase.
The final outcome after this year will be decided, according to the Colonization Viability Score that will evolve during these 365 standard days, which will open to a fully or partial independence or, in the worst case, a proof that the colony can’t sustain itself and isn’t viable.
The second phase will be a sandbox one in which the player is more or less free, accorded to the outcome, to develop his own faction.
Of course the dependence status isn’t written in stone and can evolve to independence, by policies…or by force for example.
### EXTERNAL DOWNLOADS – 7z Archive – Installer (.exe) – 7z 1052 build PATCH update
Main News Site
Main Site (downloads, hosting files for the online updater, contact)
Knowledge Base
I’m working to complete the first Phase of the game, the Colonization Phase.
The currently released version is Alpha 10 []it.#07.
The version currently in development is the Alpha 10 [0.6.15]it.#08 and is about the completion of the Colonization Phase System.
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Parts of the game system that are already implemented:
\- complete planetary system generation which has been developped until its beta stage. This tool isn’t used in-game but as an integrated third party tool.
\- colonization phase system (CPS, which manage the first part of the game)
\- mission system for the space units, the colonization and interplanetary transit mission
\- Colony Simulation Model (CSM) which manage each colony’s data and events
\- embedded help system (a bit like the civilopedia from the game Civilization IV)
\- Socio-Political Matrix (SPM) that manage the policies and memes
\- unified interface for macromanagement purposes
\- infrastructure management system including: Conversion/Assembling/Building , a transition phase, the modes of production and the custom effects
\- production system which manage the production matrix, the energy equilibrium of a colony, and the reserves consumption.
\- partial planetary survey: the resource survey is implemented (biosphere and features & artifacts survey will be added in the future)