Fallout: New Vegas is set in and around a post-apocalyptic retro-futuristic Las Vegas, following the Great War between the U.S., and China as a conventional and nuclear war that occurred on October 22 – October 23, 2077, and lasted less than two hours, while causing immense damage and destruction. Before the Great War was the Resource Wars, during which the United Nations disbanded, a plague rendered the United States paranoid, and Canada was annexed. The city of Las Vegas itself wasn’t hit as hard as most of the other districts, with most buildings being left intact as a result. The Hoover Dam supplies free electricity and water to those who control it.
The player takes control of "the Courier", who is hired by a delivery service to take an unknown package across the Mojave Desert to "The Strip" but intercepted, shot in the head, and left for dead by a mysterious man who steals the package. After being found by a friendly local robot, Victor, and healed by a man named Doc Mitchell, the Courier is thrust back into the desert to seek revenge and recover the stolen package. Through doing this, the player becomes caught up between various factions competing for control over the desert and it's most valuable asset, the Hoover Dam; ultimately coming to shape the future of its inhabitants.
Minimum System Requirements | Recommended System Requirements | |
CPU | Intel Pentium 4 2.53GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2500+ | Intel Pentium Dual Core E5200 2.5GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5800+ |
CPU SPEED | Dual Core 2.0GHz | |
VRAM | 256 MB | 512 MB |
RAM | 1 GB | 3 GB |
OS | Win Xp 32 | Win Xp 32 |
Graphics Card | nVidia GeForce 6800 GS / AMD Radeon X850 Series | nVidia GeForce GT 140 / AMD Radeon HD 3870 |
Direct X | DX 9 | DX 9 |
SOUND CARD | Yes | |
HDD Space | 10 GB | 10 GB |
Game Analysis | The game places the player in the role as a courier. The courier, while delivering a package with unknown contents, is found unconcious in a shallow grave after a failed assassination attempt by an unknown assailant. The courier is treated for injuries by a local caregiver, Doc Mitchell. Thereafter the player enters into character creation (defining skills and attributes, name, gender, age and appearance) before investigating the assassination attempt, recovering the stolen package, and exploring the worldThe Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System, or V.A.T.S., will have the ability to use new special attacks Usage of certain melee weapons will trigger unique attack animations. For example, using 9-Iron (a golf club) would show up as "Fore" and sends the enemy reeling for a period. Also Obsidian Entertainment has added the ability to use the ironsight on all guns and rifles. | |
High FPS | 55 FPS ( GTX 1060 ) | |
Optimization Score | 9 |

Pretty much everything
Clunky mechanics sometimes
Fallout New Vegas is one of the greatest video games ever made, a hugely important game in my life and has helped me through a ton of bad times, and a shining example and a game that defines the Action-RPG Genre along games such of the like as KOTOR, Morrowind, Gothic, etc. for a number of reasons. Obsidian in 2010 while under heavy time and work constraints in a development cycle of only 18 months which caused corners to be cuts and for the game to come out as a technical mess, where some bugs still are today, but once you can get past all of that, the game they delivered was not only meeting quality expectations set by Fallout 3, but it even surpassed them for miles, leaving us with one of the Greatest video games ever conceived despite all of the technical and time constraint fluff. Obsidian Crafted a modern masterpiece worthy of endless praise.
The Characters in this game are some of the most well written I have seen in a video game, if you gave me an assignment to write biopics on each of them, I could come back with a 10 page biopic on each of them whether it be Boone’s quiet persona slowly opening up to you about the horrors of war to you as you trek across the Mojave, or Caesar’s High and Mighty Ramblings of Hegelian Dialectics and the nature of man. Nearly every character in this game is interesting to talk to, interesting to uncover, etc. Granted there are some characters that serve as Quest Givers with no real depth besides maybe one character trait, the characters that are fleshed out are arguably better than the people met in Fallout 1 and 2, and Isometric dialogue heavy RPGs, and that is frankly INSANE to think about, since with this game you have more people spending time on the game-play as opposed to writing and world-building, and the fact that they were able to meet or arguably surpass the level of character depth shown in Fallout 1 and 2 is frankly mind-boggling.
Every Choice you Make has a consequence, seriously, let me say that again, *EVERY CHOICE YOU MAKE HAS A CONSEQUENCE* Whether it be from whipping up a ragtag group of NCR misfits to perform better, or Choosing a side in the 2nd battle of Hoover Dam, this game makes you feel like your choices have weight, more so than in Fallout 3, yes you have the Power of the Atom choice but it’s frankly a dumb one, since it boils down to “Hey Save my Town and get a small amount of money and a house” or “NUKE AN ENITRE FUCKING CITY IRRADIATING AN ENTIRE PART OF THE MAP AND KILLING ALL OF ITS INHABITANTS BECAUSE IT DOESN’T LOOK NICE, you also get a little more money and okay suite” and it’s frankly dumb, since no rational human being would come to that conclusion, and there there is barely any repercussions besides losing maybe 3 vendors which players barely go to (besides the doc, which I go through) and losing some minor quests, Moira still lives and you can buy stuff from her and still do her quest etc. and since you just have a binary karma system, you can easily gain it all back by just doing a few good deeds, however with New Vegas, your reputation with Factions matter, if you fuck up even once you’re gonna be locked out of the higher level gear since it operates on a level where when you fuck up, you can no longer reach a level of liked or idolized, and the more you fuck up the more you lose from that faction and the more you dislike, and sometimes if you fuck up to much, you’ll never be able to complete quests (Example: I was working with Mr. House and I had to keep the Kings Independent of NCR control so I wiped out the NCR Troops in Freeside and it made me not be able to complete No, Not Much, since Colonel Hsu refused to send troops to Bitter Springs due to how I had treated the NCR, or the time where when I was on my Legion Playthrough and I was doing a Brute Playthrough, I had sabotaged the surgery and arranged for Caesar to die, and because I was liked by the Legion I was let off the hook, however if I did not have a liked reputation with the Legion, Lucius and his other Praetorian Guards would’ve attacked me on site because that’s how loyal the legion is the Caesar, and etc etc.
The Game allows you to play nearly any role you want, and it will accommodate you for that. Do you want to play a melee brute who has low intelligence who grunts to speak and fixes every problem by hitting it with a big stick? You can do that. Do you want to be a hyper intelligent cyber nerd who outsmarts everyone in dialogue? You can do that? Do you want to fix every problem by sneaking through every place and just sneak attacking everyone? You can do that. And so on and so forth, literally in nearly every quest you can find a workaround or another way to complete quests rather than killing, hell you can do a full jesus run through and kill no one, granted it would be difficult, but the game will accommodate you: (Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QK8CczHdu-I), there are numerous skillchecks avaliable for every skill making the other skills way more useful in dialogue, it invokes the spirit of Fallout 1 and 2 and gives you the freedom of those games to complete the game as you want
The Combat is flawed, but it is manageable, and once you get later in game, it gets to be quite fun when you take out Nightstalker like it’s nobody’s business, and this is the main way it is better than Fallout 1 and 2 in my eyes, although 1 and 2 are absolute classics, there combat systems were fairly dated at release (Look at Baldur’s Gate if you don’t believe me) and annoying, even when it released, so having a modernized gameplay system that makes the game leagues more fun and replay-able than the OGs, it makes the game superior, but don’t get me wrong, the combat is stiff and clunky and can get annoying at the beginning, but once you level up and get better equipment, it becomes seriously more enjoyable and allows for more replay-ability in my opinion.
And so on and so forth, look I could go on for hours about this game, but this post is starting to get too long, and this is making me want to replay New Vegas again. But don’t get me wrong, this game is not perfect, no game is, but once you look past all of the technical issues and rushed development time, this game is nothing short of a modern masterpiece in my opinion, and this game has helped me through the lowest of lows. This game is always here for me, and although I may get tired of the game after replaying it 10+ times, it will always be there when I need it to be, thank you for this game Obsidian, and thank you for hearing me out.
I borrowed this game from my uncle for the PS3 about 2 years ago and I got to the Goodsprings or Powder Ganger decision and I picked the Powder Ganger one on accident and then I said “man f*ck this why would you want to pick that,that’s so stupid” and then I played Fallout 3 and really liked that. After I learned how the fallout formula worked I went back to Fallout New Vegas to play it again. To put it simply. I have roughly 250 hours on the PS3 version and 180 hours on the PC version.
The reason why I have so many hours on this game and why it’s my favorite game of all time is that it’s a perfect RPG. A game that allows you to play almost however you want. Fallout 4 was a garbage RPG for these reasons: It didn’t let you play as whatever you wanted. Fallout 4 was restricted with it’s roleplaying. Had a voiced character and backstory. Fallout New Vegas DOESN’T have a voiced character. Fallout New Vegas DOESN’T have a character backstory. Fallout New Vegas DOES have great RPG elements.
I have 180 hours because of the replayability the game has because you can play as so many different things. Wanna be a goody two shoe character? You can. Wanna be a cruel despicable marauder? You can. Wanna be a flawed chem addict/alcoholic? You can. Wanna be a guy with an identity crisis that can’t decide right from wrong and can’t decide between NCR or Legion? You can.
I so far have had 4 playthroughs on the PC (Yes Man, Mr. House, NCR, and Legion playthroughs) and 6 PS3 playthroughs and I still can’t get tired of this game (the only reason I don’t play that often anymore is because I modded it to death and it crashes too often). If you’ve played Fallout 3, and never played 1-2 you’ll probably like New Vegas. If you’ve played 1-2 and hate 3 you’ll idolize New Vegas. If you liked Fallout 4, shame on you. If you hated Fallout 4 and want Obsidian to make the next one, you’ll idolize New Vegas. If you love the Elder Scrolls series, you’ll love New Vegas.
Although the game is my favorite game of all time it certainly has some flaws. The combat is clunky. The graphics are kinda ugly and the voice acting is very dull.The game crashes a lot and runs poorly like most Bethesda games but most of this can be fixed with mods.
Oh my god mods. Mods. There are so many mods for this game.And if you dislike almost anything in the game, mods are there for you baby.
Final Verdict:
If you’re a fan of RPG this will be the best game for you, but if you’re looking for a shooty shooty game, I’d go for Fallout 4. New Vegas isn’t for everybody but there is a special somebody for all of us, and for best of us, it’s New Vegas.
It actually wasn’t until I saw a youtuber called Many A True Nerd do a kill everything and kill no-one run that I understood how great of an RPG New Vegas actually is. While Fallout 3 always leaned on the shooter genre, New Vegas brought back the role playing aspect and freedom you’d come to expect from a game like this. And yes, maybe this game isn’t as accessible as Fallout 3 or Fallout 4, but it does things in it’s own way.
The story is amazing, the characters are rich, the environment is unique while still being believable, The factions are pieces of a perfect puzzle so masterfully put together. Everything about this games makes sense. And everything about this game screams perfection, but you have to be willing to listen.
Conclusion: I could go on for a while with this review. But I’m just going to tell you to pick this game up if you haven’t already and see for yourself. This game deserves a 10/10. If only I could get that Johnny Guitar song out of my head!
addictive loot and leveling up
nice world creation, lore
glitchy at times
incomplete game mechanics
One of the first things that struck me was that the main character must have really short legs due to how slow you walk and when walking through the waste land I really noticed it.
The biggest let downs for me was the fraction system, at first glance it seams great, over time a few things seam a bit of , the most annoying is that after interacting with a friendly NPC if you change to an oppositions fractions armor (which disguise you), they will indiscriminately open fire, even after you have taken it of. On the other hand a fraction you have bad karma with, will gun you down form a distance even if you are in a disguise.
The main story line felt to me as a string of side missions rater then a main story line fleshed out with side quests.
Conclusion: A bit of a let down but I have high hope for fallout 4, whoop whoop. Also why is there not an exit conversation button, like in the loot screen?