## Description
_Explodin Crapola: Helicopter Cacophony II_ is an action game, where the
player controls a helicopter and must perform several missions, most of them
revolving around blowing things up.
The helicopter is armed with bombs, missiles, machine guns, and a sniper
rifle, all of which have unlimited ammo. The weapons are divided into enemy
weapons, which damage enemy vehicles and men, and structural weapons, which
damage buildings. Each mission requires the player to complete a specific
objective, as well as to destroy all enemies. The helicopter’s hull integrity
is limited, and it will eventually be destroyed if hit by enemy gunfire or
There are several game modes. After completing all the missions, the player
can try and take on the missions with new, harder objectives to earn perfect
tokens. Tokens can be spent to unlock additional missions, an arcade mode
where there are no objectives beyond amassing score, and other bonus content.