Euphony is a game based on the sense of audition. It challenges you to locate objects that emit a specific note by listening to them. To do so, you must determine the direction a sound is coming from before clearing a path to it, destroying any wall blocking your way.
However, you will not be able to connect the paths you create with each other ; you are constantly building a maze as you play, one that gets more and more complex the longer the game goes on.
More and more sounds will appear and play simultaneously as the game develops, making it harder for you to isolate and locate a single sound playing in the generative melody that will gradually emerge.
As of right now, we have a game that is nearing completion. It’s fun to play and we can’t wait for you guys to try it!
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**Features :**
* Experience a game primarily based on your sense of audition
* Generative music system
* Procedurally create a maze as you play
* Play with your eyes closed in ”Blind mode” for an entirely auditive experience
* Play in arcade mode or practice your skills in training mode.
* In-game power-ups
* Leaderboard system
* Unlock new features though a points system
* See how you did through end game stats and a bird’s eye view of your maze
Euphony was developed by Digitalist Games
Euphony was Released on Windows
Euphony is a Single Player game