In the reign of King Louis VI, in the second medieval age, many thousands of
years from now the king used to imprison his victims in a lonely cell atop the
sentinel tower. The cell had two exits: one unlocked and one locked. The
unlocked one was one of the seven gates leading directly to hell and the other
exit, which led to freedom was locked by a strange device which was always
some sort of puzzle. This game features one of those puzzles.
The goal of the game is to collect the seven keys (one of each tile colour)
that are needed to escape the cell. You collect a key by cover all color
fields, except your chosen colour. Fourteen covering tiles are available,
seven each of two different shapes (a straight one and a bent one). Pick these
up using the mouse, rotate them by pressing the right mouse button and drop
them at the desired location with the left mouse button. If you are successful
in covering all colors but one, you will attain that color key.