Endless Ocean is the third installment in the Everblue series, games focused on exploring an underwater world. The main focus of the game is exploration of the game world and cataloguing the various species of animals found there. Endless Ocean slightly differs from its predecessors in that the traditional “game elements” have been mostly removed – where Everblue 2 set a goal for the player by having them search for treasure underwater, Endless Ocean is more freeform and just lets the player explore at their own pace. There are still treasures to find, but as Endless Ocean is mostly freeform exploration and has no overarching plot, the player is in no obligation to look for these items to progress through the game.
Release Dates
2007-Aug-02 - Wii - Japan
2007-Nov-09 - Wii - Europe
2008-Jan-21 - Wii - North america
2007-Aug-07 - Wii - Worldwide
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Game Modes
Alternative names
adventure,aquatic,atlantic bluefin tuna,barracudas,bicolour blenny,bicolour parrotfish,bigeye trevally,blotched fantail ray,blue tang,blue-spotted ribbontail ray,bounded hound shark,bower's parrotfish,bowmouth guitarfish,broadclub cuttlefish,brown booby,cabana,californian sea lion,camera,character creation,chub mackerel,cleaner wrasse,cloudy catshark,clown triggerfish,coelacanth,coin,common bigeye,conger eel,cooperative play,coral,custom soundtrack,cuttlefish,day/night cycle,dead multiplayer,drowning,dusky batfish,dwarf sawfish,e3 2007,emperor angelfish,epaulette shark,european parrotfish,exploration,fish,five-lined coral goby,flame angelfish,giant squid,giant trevally,goby shrimp,golden trevally,goldeye rockfish,goldtail demoisellle,great sturgeon,great white shark,green sea turtle,grouper,hammerhead shark,hammock,helmet,humpback whale,humphead wrasse,important text,in-game e-mail,indo-pacific sailfish,japanese anglerfish,japanese bullhead shark,japanese eagle ray,japanese jack mackerel,king angelfish,lapis lazuli,large-tooth flounder,late title card,leafy seadragon,leatherback turtle,lined surgeonfish,longtooth grouper,mahi-mahi,manatee,manta ray,monster shrimp goby,moon jellyfish,moorish idol,multicolour rainbowfish,nameless protagonist,narwhal,necklace,nintendo wi-fi connection,ocean,octopus,olive flounder,one-handed gameplay,orange skunk clownfish,ornate wrasse,oxygen tank,pelagic thresher shark,penguins,pets,photography,pineconefish,piranhas,polar bear,purple queen,pyramid butterflyfish,randall's pistol shrimp,red sea bream,red stingray,righteye flounder,sailfin tang,sakuradai,sawfish,scuba diving,scuba gear,sea goldie,seahorse,shark,short-beaked common dolphin,side ponytail,simulation,singapore prawn goby,singular bannerfish,speckled butterflyfish,spotted white sea slug,stark's demoiselle,stingray,strigate chromodoris,swallowtail sea perch,swimming,teardrop butterflyfish,threadfin butterflyfish,tiger puffer,tiger shark,underwater gameplay,warning sign,warty frogfish,water,water effects,water level,west indian manatee,whale,whale shark,white tip reef shark,whitemargin unicornfish,wii classic controller support,wii remote infrared pointer gameplay,wii speak support,yellow clown goby,yellow tang,yellowtail corris,yellowtail surgeonfish
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ARIKAArika Co.Ltd.Endless Ocean
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adventureaquaticatlantic bluefin tunabarracudasbicolour blennybicolour parrotfishbigeye trevallyblotched fantail rayblue tangblue-spotted ribbontail raybounded hound sharkbower's parrotfishbowmouth guitarfishbroadclub cuttlefishbrown boobycabanacalifornian sea lioncameracharacter creationchub mackerelcleaner wrassecloudy catsharkclown triggerfishcoelacanthcoincommon bigeyeconger eelcooperative playcoralcustom soundtrackcuttlefishday/night cycledead multiplayerdrowningdusky batfishdwarf sawfishe3 2007emperor angelfishepaulette sharkeuropean parrotfishexplorationfishfive-lined coral gobyflame angelfishgiant squidgiant trevallygoby shrimpgolden trevallygoldeye rockfishgoldtail demoiselllegreat sturgeongreat white sharkgreen sea turtlegrouperhammerhead sharkhammockhelmethumpback whalehumphead wrasseimportant textin-game e-mailindo-pacific sailfishjapanese anglerfishjapanese bullhead sharkjapanese eagle rayjapanese jack mackerelking angelfishlapis lazulilarge-tooth flounderlate title cardleafy seadragonleatherback turtlelined surgeonfishlongtooth groupermahi-mahimanateemanta raymonster shrimp gobymoon jellyfishmoorish idolmulticolour rainbowfishnameless protagonistnarwhalnecklacenintendo wi-fi connectionoceanoctopusolive flounderone-handed gameplayorange skunk clownfishornate wrasseoxygen tankpelagic thresher sharkpenguinspetsphotographypineconefishpiranhaspolar bearpurple queenpyramid butterflyfishrandall's pistol shrimpred sea breamred stingrayrighteye floundersailfin tangsakuradaisawfishscuba divingscuba gearsea goldieseahorsesharkshort-beaked common dolphinside ponytailsimulationsingapore prawn gobysingular bannerfishspeckled butterflyfishspotted white sea slugstark's demoisellestingraystrigate chromodorisswallowtail sea perchswimmingteardrop butterflyfishthreadfin butterflyfishtiger puffertiger sharkunderwater gameplaywarning signwarty frogfishwaterwater effectswater levelwest indian manateewhalewhale sharkwhite tip reef sharkwhitemargin unicornfishwii classic controller supportwii remote infrared pointer gameplaywii speak supportyellow clown gobyyellow tangyellowtail corrisyellowtail surgeonfish
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-clunky motion controls
-not being able to discover fish that are right in front of me.
-bad human animation.
This game had some great features. It is great to just go swimming around in the ocean looking at fish. The game is nice and relaxing with relaxing music and sounds of the ocean. I enjoy finding and learning about all the fish and other creatures. Each creature gets three sets of information about itself. Which is a bit weird on how to retrieve it. The first set you just find the animal and interact with it by shaking the Wii Mote around. Then the next two times you have to come back at different times and interact some more. Weird but not bad.
There is a story. I haven’t finished the game but I can see the idea of it all. You and Katherine Sunday go on a mission to fill out your encyclopedia with demands from the bossman. Also while out sailing around you get requests from random people to see fish. These guys will roll up in a jet ski and want to see one specific fish. Which is easy enough until they start to whine and complain that we cannot find the fish they want. “Hey look a whale and a shark and an octopus. But I’m not satisfied until I see a Oriental Butterflyfish.” And Katherine Sunday is backwards. She is a marine biologist that cannot swim. And she holds you back from exploring the cool stuff like trenches and caves. Which are just unlockables. And also while on the boat there will be random animals that spawn on the boat. From penguins to a polar bear. How they get on the boat, I don’t know. Not bad. Just odd. There are treasures you can find and dolphins you can train. A custom aquarium is there. That is pretty cool.
The biggest issue is that some fish that I have interacted with do not give me the info about them. This really bothers me. It’s like seeing a rare wild Pokémon and you cannot catch it because you have no Pokeballs. Only difference is this is the games fault.
The controls can be a bit clunky at times too. You have to keep the Wii Mote facing the screen. Then moving around is not as easy as it could have been. The graphics are okay. The creatures and landscape are good. The people look terrible.
Conclusion: This is a relaxing game. So you want to fight and shoot and kill and see animals eat other animals, then this is not your game. This is for exploring the world around you and having fun with what the game has to offer. Which is an ending ocean. There are boundaries. Even within the big world which isn’t that big.