Eluxia Enigma is a platformer exploration game where you arrive on the planet of Eluxia, a planet riddled with gravitational anomalies. Master the gravity in this platformer with a twisted perspective!
## About This Game
Deserting your squad after a battle ending in a bloodbath, you are left alone
wandering around the vast emptiness of space. You intercept a strange signal
originating from an uncharted planet called Eluxia. You decide to investigate
and you’ll find that the planet is not your ordinary celestial body…
## Oldschool 2D platforming with a twist!
Take on this platforming challenge and open your mind to thinking about
platformer games from a different perspective. In order to find out what the
planet upholds, you’ll have to master your jump, your movement and the
gravity. You take control of Lieutenant Aura Mitchell, a starship captain
running away from war. On Eluxia, you realize that you are not alone, and you
will learn to about the gravitational anomalies…. Time your movement, avoid
dangers and explore the world in this retro-esque 2D platformer!
## Game Features
* A vast planet to explore: The planet of Eluxia is uncharted and waiting to be explored. Jump and dash your way through the planet and uncover the secrets it holds.
* Platforming at its core: Tricky jumps in all dimensions! No unfair traps, just simple controls and fair challenge.
* Collectibles: The world of Eluxia is filled with different collectibles and hidden areas. Can you find them all?
* Original Soundtrack: Brilliant (and 100% NES compliant!) original chiptunes!
* Multiple ways to play: Use your keyboard or plug in a controller. Support for button mappings for both XBOX and PlayStation controllers.
Can you solve the Eluxia Enigma?