Crush cars and send humans flying by ramming into them as a big angry elephant and cause as much chaos as possible. The objective is simple but it won’t be easy, the clock is running out and there are enemies waiting to stop you from achieving your goal.
## About This Game
Play as an elephant on a rampage. You have 3 minutes to score 300 points on 3
different levels, each providing more challenges as you progress making it
more difficult to achieve your goal. The first level introduces the basic game
mechanics with no obstacles to prevent you from scoring the 300 point goal,
don’t waste time though or the clock will run out. On the second level you
will be chased by enemies who can kill you and on the third and final level
you will be tested by even greater enemies who deal even more damage and are
even bigger, although they aren’t quite as smart which will give you the
opportunity to escape when needed. Can you pass all 3 levels?