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### Overview
** Elder Towers offers the strategical complexity of a deck-building collectible card game, and translates the deep game mechanism into intuitive fast-paced gameplay with exciting visuals. The focus of the game is about building a good deck of spells and choosing a good team of summons beforehand, and using the right tools at the right moment.You play as a powerful mage who can turn the tide of battle with just one or two spells. You can do far more than just spamming fireballs and blizzards on your enemies. You can call forth a tornado to remove enemy creatures from the battlefield. You can conjure a dense mist to blind all creatures. You can feast on the soul of your opponent’s summons to refill your mana. You can turn your summons into undying frenzied berserkers, or transform them into giants with massive strength. You can cut up your enemies with storm of blades, impale them with wall of spears.Your opponents would not just be waves of mindless mobs. You will have wizard fights with powerful spellcasters, erecting magical shields and walls, countering spells, reflecting magic missiles, and so on.To allow you to focus on the magical warfare, you will not be fettered with micromanagement of your summons. They will all act on their own: defender units will automatically engage enemies who get close to your base, bodyguard units will follow and protect you, attacker units will invade enemy base and attack any enemies on their path. Most creatures possess some unique powers, and may produce interesting combos with the spells.You will gradually build up your arsenal of spells and summons by following the main campaign, or by just roaming around the four magical kingdoms and completing the procedurally-generated side quests, discovering powerful artifacts and learning special spellcasting feats. Gather the power, build your best deck, and test your mettle in online duels.
### Game Rules
You choose up to 6 summons and up to 50 spells for your deck. You draw 5 spells from your deck at the beginning of a match. You may cast them when you have enough mana, or convert the spells into mana sources. If you convert a Fire spell, you get a Fire mana circle; a Water spell, a Water mana circle; likewise for the 6 other elements. Each mana circle adds 20 mana to your mana pool, and the mana will gradually replenish after you spend them. A spell converted or casted will be lost and will not be available again until the next match. For every spell you spend, you draw another spell from your deck. But the new spell you draw will need 20 seconds to charge up before it is ready to be casted or converted.All summons in your deck will be available at the beginning of a match. You can cast them whenever you have enough mana. If a summoned unit dies, you will need to wait for a respawn timer of 60 seconds before you can call forth the same summon again.The winning conditions are death of the enemy mage, or destruction of the enemy tower.
Elder Towers was developed by Akashan Games, Released in 2014-10-30
Elder Towers was Released on iOS,iPad,Android,AndroidTab
Elder Towers is a Single & Multiplayer game