Egregor Indoctrination tells an intriguing story in an episodic and laconic manner, combining elements of Metroidvania and Visual Novel genres.
## About This Game
“You who have sunk into depths of regularity, answer this – are you content
with your life?
You wake up, do your chores, eat, and go to sleep – is this cycle satisfying?
You are full of ideas for something greater, something grander, the center of
which will be you. Yet, you see that the realization of these dreams lies in
the past. With the influence of enthusiasm or fear, you try to do something
about it, feeling somewhere in the back of your mind, that unlike the
proverbial snake that bites its tail, you do yet another useless spin around
the wheel of the ordinary. And in this maelstrom, you are surprised when life
gives you a challenge. You overcome it to return to the usual spin of ten
thousand things, with a keen understanding that you have done something grand
– yet you inevitably realize that everyone around you has gone through the
same ordeals. Maybe you are poor, maybe rich, but you understand, be it
consciously or not, that there can be only one end to this cycle – the Great
Equalizer, called “Death”.
You who are reading this, answer this – are you content with such a state of
things? That people are destined to spin in this spiral of suffering, with a
predetermined outcome? That all things, despite their apparent complexity and
variety, in the end, lead to one outcome? That till the end of your days, you
will chase after something that lies in the back of your consciousness?
I can say, with all certainty, that my answer is no. So then, what is your
Egregor Indoctrination tells an intriguing story in an episodic and laconic
manner, combining elements of Metroidvania and Visual Novel genres.
* Delve into events happening on the mystical side of Saint-Petersburg.
* Unlock new abilities that give access to new areas and secrets
* Find and use various items to solve puzzles and mysteries
* VGhlIGdhbWUgaGFzIG1ldGEgcHV6emxlcy4gOTk5NjY2Nzc3
* Your choices will influence the story
* Experience a deep story, with fantasy and mystery elements
## Mature Content Description
The developers describe the content like this:
This Game may contain content not appropriate for all ages: Blood, Strong
Language, Use of Alcohol and Smoking, Violence.
Minimum System Requirements | Recommended System Requirements | |
CPU | AMD A4-6320 / Intel Core i5-4460 | AMD FX-6300 / Intel Core i5-4590 |
RAM | 4 GB RAM | 8 GB RAM |
OS | Windows 7 | Windows 10 |
Graphics Card | AMD Radeon R9 280X / GeForce GTX 760 | AMD Radeon R9 290 / GeForce GTX 1050 |
HDD Space | 1 GB available space | 1 GB available space |
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