## Description
_Easy Bridge_ is a single player, freeware, bridge player and tutor.
This game has been around for a while and earlier versions can be found both
on-line and on compilation CDs. The current version, in 2013, that is
documented here is _Easy Bridge v4.0.2_.
When the program is first run it takes the player through a configuration
wizard questions the player to find out their skill level and the basic
systems they use when playing bridge. These settings are not set in stone and
can be changed later on via the game’s menu bar.
Easy Bridge caters for absolute beginners who need all the advice they can
get, beginners who already know the basics, and those who can already play and
who will ask for advice when they need it. Players can bid using natural
bidding, Goren, Standard American basic, Standard American using common
optional conventions, and ACOL.
The game configuration options include:
* duplicate or rubber play
* rebid or replay the last hand
* customising the bidding conventions used
* displaying bidding history and trick history during the game
* dealing specific types of hands such as a minor suit game to either north/south or east/west of hands for practice in bidding and defending
Among the advanced features is a game analysis which shows how the computer
derived its bids and planned its play.
The game is played entirely with the mouse in a re-sizable window. It has a an
auto-save and a manual save game function.