## Description
### Steam Store Description
An additional scenario “The Ordeal” is added, allowing you to obtain Exterior
Models and Furniture Models to be used at your Hideaways.
▼Added Exterior Models (5)
・Jianning-Style Hideaway An exterior model that captures the essence of
・Camp-Style Hideaway An exterior model that captures the essence of a
battlefield camp.
・Palace-Style Hideaway An exterior model that captures the essence of a
gorgeous palace.
・On-the-Water Hideaway An exterior model of a Hideaway built on the water.
・High-Rise-Style Hideaway An exterior model of a high-rise Hideaway that is
tall like a tower.
▼Added Furniture Models (10)
・New Functional Table and Chairs A table with chairs on which you can sit and
meet with visiting officers.
・Candlestick A light fixture that can be placed on a table.
・Blacksmith’s Shelf Allows you to craft gems and accessories at a Hideaway.
・Cook’s Shelf Allows you to cook new dishes at a Hideaway.
・Fish Preserve Allows you to regularly obtain fish-type materials.
・Flowerpot Allows you to regularly obtain plant-type materials.
・Peach Tree A peach tree from which petals flutter down is placed outside your
・Cherry Tree A cherry tree from which petals flutter down is placed outside
your Hideaway.
・Stable A place where you can keep a horse. Horses kept at a stable will
develop with time.
・Prayer Bench For a short time, the weather will be changed arbitrarily.
▼How to use
Clear the added scenario to obtain the additional Exterior Models and
Furniture Models.
To start the “The Ordeal”, talk with a specific NPC who will appear at any
city on the main continent.
To change to the Exterior Models you have obtained, open the Select Hideaway
menu from a Hideaway and select “Change Outward Appearance”.