DUSK – 2D Tower Defense was developed by SteffTek
DUSK – 2D Tower Defense was Released on Windows,Mac,Linux
DUSK – 2D Tower Defense is a Single Player game
## **Welcome to your new Farm!**
[Latest Version: 20.04.2017; API: 20.04.2017]
> ** Farmer Joe: “Howdey! You look like the perfekt guy to run my farm. **
> ** I am too old and need a strong, young man who takes care of it.” **
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## **What is DUSK?**
> Dusk is a game about an old farm. But you quickly learn that is it not
> about farming, at least after a few days.
## **What do I do in DUSK?**
> At first you do normal farm stuff. Plant wheat, build a shed for
> your piggies, etc. But after a few days you need to defend!
## **What will attack me in DUSK?**
> I won’t say what and when. And it’s not you their’re after.
## **Features of DUSK**
Base building
Modding (YEY)
Listening to cool music
Walk left
Walk right
Dont walk
Watch the rain
Watch the night
Watch the day
Be tough
Customize your character
Scream more
Walk more
Defend again
God damn it their become stronger
## **Modding Support**
### **With our DUSK Modding API [DMA] EVERYONE could make modifications for DUSK!**
> ### It is as easy as taking away a babies lollipop! Ok at least if you have basic understanding of the Unity API and Lua scripting language! – Myself, 2017
## **API Documentation**
//Classnames: Messaging, DBuilding, GameTime, Player, Inventory, Enemy
public enum EnemyTypes {T1,T2} //Enemy Type (At the moment only T1 avaiable)
public void setName(string s) //sets Enemy Name
public string getName() //gets Enemy Name
public void setDamage(float i) //sets Enemy Damge per hit
public float getDamage() //gets Enemy Damage per hit
public void setType(EnemyTypes ET) //sets Enemy Type
public EnemyTypes getType() //gets Enemy Type
public void setSpeed(float s) //sets Enemy Speed
public float getSpeed() //gets Enemy Speed
public void Spawn(string side, int amount, Enemy e) //Spawns Enemy (side must be “left” or “right”)e
public void sendTitle(string s) //Fades in/out big Text on screen
public void sendActionBar(string s) //Fades in/out smaller Text on screen (Under Title Text)
public Types {Farm,Forge,Barn,Wall,Tower,Lab}
//Lab not Implemented yet
public string getType(float x) //returns BuildingType at Position X (null if empty);
public void setType(float xPos, int Type) // sets Building Type
public void delType(float xPos, GameObject obj) // delets Building
public Hashtable getBuildings() // returns Hashtable of all Buildings
//GameTime Class:
public float getTime() // returns Time of Day
public void setTime(int time) // sets Time of Day
public void addTime(int time) // adds int x to Time of Day
public void delTime(int time) // removes int x from Time of Day
public void setDay(int day) // sets Daycount
public int getDay() // get Daycount
//Inventory Class:
public Types {Wood,Stone,Metal,Ammo,Coins}
public void setAmount(Types s, int amount) // sets amount of specific Item
public void addAmount(Types s, int amount) // adds amount to specific Item
public void delAmount(Types s, int amount) // deletes amount to specific Item
//Instead of Type S you can use an Integer (0-4) to specifiy the Item
//Player Class:
//Player.name is no longer public
public GameObject gObj; // Player Object
public Player getPlayer(string pName) // gets Player by Name (Default: “Player”)
public float getPos() // gets Playerposition
public void setPos(float x) // sets Playerposition
public string getName() // gets Playername
public void setName(string s) // sets Playername
public int getNID() // gets NetworkID
public void setNID(int id) // sets NetworkID
public int getSpeed() // gets Speed
public void setSpeed(int s) // sets Speed