This is additional content for Dungeons & Cocks, but does not include the base
## About This Content
Dungeons & Cocks Soundtrack is a unique music experience. Several composers
and musicians took part in its development.
Rodion Stark. Most of the tracks are composed in accordance to Titans of 3D
platformers genre. Naive and tempo melodies that guides you through the game
are the most common for the tracklist. There also are more intensive
compositions for boss-fights.
Vladimir Mitin All the solo-piano tracks are mastered by his hand. Passionate
and organic, totally uniue trakcs were originally mastered for first
theBratans game – Dungeons & Geese.
Alexey Popov. Tiny Tides theme was created by him. After creating OST for
second theBratans game – Bogatyr he decided to collaborate with us for this
new project.
Ivan Borisov. This techno composer gladly shared his track for unique location
– Cock Club.