In a distant world, a once dormant magical relic known as Ragnarok has awakened once again. Whoever shall possess Ragnarok will be given unfathomable power. For this reason many seek to claim Ragnarok, each for their own wicked or noble desires. But what of you? What do you seek? Is it Fame? Fortune? Power? Redemption? Or..perhaps bringing back a lost loved one? Ragnarok will give you all these things…and more. Choose your champion and forge a deck filled with powerful creatures, skills and item cards to battle against players and their decks. You can turn the tides of battle to your favor by strategically using your champions 2 powerful abilities to claim victory. Days of Ragnarok’s Awakening will contain multiple single player and multiplayer games modes and an in-game store.
Dora TCG was developed by Unknown Games
Dora TCG was Released on Windows,Mac,Web
Dora TCG is a Single & Multiplayer game