## Description
Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree is the second title in the Disney’s
Animated Storybook series, based on the classic story from A. A. Milne. The
story follows Pooh, who is out of honey and out looking for more, who
eventually ends up stuck inside of Rabbit’s door. His friends must pull as
hard as they can to try and get Pooh out. Each page has interactive things to
click on, and others have mini-games or an interactive song to go along with
it. There are four mini-games in total, all of which are very simple for the
age market. In the first mini-game, you must listen to Piglet and find the
right toy according to his description. The next mini-game is a puzzle where
you must find honey on Rabbit’s shelves in order to satisfy Pooh. In the third
mini-game, you must clean up Rabbit’s shelves after Pooh got himself stuck and
wrecked all the objects in his house. The final mini-game stars Roo, where you
must catch butterflies. Each mini-game is very easy and has no difficulty
level to change, which is understandable considering the age demographic is
3-6. There is no end goal to the game, it is just a simple storybook with a
few minigames placed here and there to keep young children interested.
Minimum System Requirements | ||
RAM | 8 MB | |
OS | Windows 95 | |
CD-ROM | 2X (300 KB/s) |