Disk Station #0
This is the preview issue of Compile’s long running disk magazine. Its 40
pages (cylinders) are filled not only with games, but also with editorials and
art. Readers are encouraged to submit their own works for upcoming issues.
After the editorial and information pages comes a picture, followed by an
article explaining what the FM-PAC cartridge is. page 6 is dedicated to the
art gallery. Since readers have yet to submit their pictures, rules are set
and the saved bytes are instead used for a basic (it’s even written in BASIC)
paint program.
* On page 7 comes the first game on the disk; a time-limited demo of Aleste, occupying the eight following pages as well.
* On page 16 comes a preview screen of the RPG Last Armageddon from BrainGrey.
* On page 20 ensumes another non-interactive preview, this time of Winky Soft’s Akambe Dragon.
* Interactivity resumes on page 24 with a demo comprising the Klondyke part of Game Arts’s Solitaire Royal.
* One of the few original “games” may be found on page 27; a multiple choice short story about the boy Takashi and his quest to get a copy of “Super Ultra Last Long Special Real Big Baseball”.
* Page 29 contains a retro game; a slightly remade version of Compile’s old Hustle Chumy.
Not accessible from the main menu is the BASIC section. Apart from the
aforementioned paint program, there are two games supplied once again by Game
Arts. The first one is simply called Mouse Games, and must be played with a
mouse. The second on is a spin on the old Moonlander theme, only the player
must jump from one landing pad to another in this version, until they are all