Dino and Aliens
A flying saucer lands in Dino’s garden where he grows all his fruit, and
unleashes a horde of aliens. They knock down the trees, trample the grass,
shoot their pistols and laugh meanly. Even more, they set up lasers and plant
explosives to blow everything up and build their own city on the ruins. Dino
has been lenient, but this is the last straw – the garden needs some sweeping.
Dino and Aliens is a 3D puzzle game with maze-like levels. The player
controls Dino through short levels where the goal is to find and activate a
portal to continue to a next section. Dino can push items, kick enemies, and
use regular or radio-controlled bombs to clear the way or defeat multiple
enemies at once. Other items include a battery to charge a laser, often used
in mirror reflection puzzles, a magic hat to become invisible, and a watch to
slow down time. Health can be restored with apples and pineapples.
Minimum System Requirements | Recommended System Requirements | |
CPU | Intel Pentium III | Pentium III 500 MHz |
VRAM | 32 MB | |
RAM | 128 MB | 128 MB RAM |
OS | Windows 98 | Windows 98/2000/XP |
Graphics Card | graphic card 32 MB | |
Direct X | DirectX 8.0 |