Dinky Doo
_Dinky Doo_ is a single screen game viewed from above where you are in a
nightmare due to a cheese sandwich you had eaten before bed, even though your
Mother said not to. The only way out of this bad dream is to complete various
levels to reach the safety of your Mother’s room by collecting your hot milk
on each screen. Each screen has walls and various creatures that move around
the screen and if you touch the walls or a creature then you lose one of three
lives. If you reach your hot milk then some of the creatures turn to cherries
and these can be collected as you head towards a door that has appeared. On
later levels there are lasers that turn on and off and are deadly to the
touch. An oxygen bar decreases and fills up when you collect the milk and
starts decreasing again as you go to the door, and this just gives you bonus
points when the level is completed.