ESP:Hola, este es un juego rpg en desarrollo c:, se aceptan ideas para bosquejos, etc. Eres Kasuto, Tu hija fue raptada a la Dimension 0, al adentrarte, te das cuenta que no eras el unico en adentrarte a la dimension 0, decides aliarte a 2 Kasutos alternos a ti para salvar a tu hija, siendo raptada por el misterioso Bordoc, quien controla la dimension 0.
Stuff: -Puzzles-peleas-historia-3 finales distintos
-Muchos easter eggs, y menciones a otros juegos, como por ejemplo “Off”.
-Algunos modismos mexicanos y chilenos.
Hello, this is a RPG in devolpment c:, i accept ideas, for sketchs, etc.
You are Kasuto, your daughter has been rapted by a misterious creature “bordoc” who is controlling the Dimension 0, to save her
you ally with some alternate Kasutos.
\- Battles
\- Story
\- 3 endings
\- Much easter eggs, and mentions, for example.. i love the game “off” i want to put some mentions of that game c:
-Some Chilean and Mexican jokes
If you want to help.. add me on FB:
Dimension 0 was developed by zp2
Dimension 0 was Released on Windows
Dimension 0 is a Single Player game