Devileader, a fearsome space demon who once have destroyed countless planets of the solar system is about to be resurrected by his minions and fanatics, who want to bring chaos to the universe. Pilot the agile space interceptor Deviship and survive the terror of this demon lord.
## About This Game
In the year of 2334, Devileader, a fearsome space demon who once have
destroyed countless planets of the solar system is about to be resurrected by
his minions and fanatics, who want to bring chaos to the universe.
You are a pilot of an agile space interceptor called Deviship, which is
capable of producing a weapon called Devibomb — The only weapon that can
damage this nearly invincible nemesis.
Can you survive the terror of the demon lord?
## Features
* Fly the endless space and mine crystals to make the ultimate weapon Devibomb, while fighting with space pirates.
* Prevent Workers from taking the crystals to build Devileader’s body.
* Start a thrilling chase with your nemesis, Devileader. Use Devibombs to attack it or you had better RUN.
* Play with keyboard & mouse, Controllers, or Joysticks.