Desolation: Earth incorporates various horror and action environments
blended with some RPG style elements. The game is being made so that
almost every room, every alleyway or building can be dynamically studied from
the characters point of view. We mix in horror sequences with fast paced
action game play within the desolated earth. Desolation: Earth takes place
nearly 25 years before Ark of Nephilim (Our MMORPG also in development)
Desolation: Earth will fill in the gapped story line between earth as we know
it now, and earth that was destroyed during the invasion. You play as Sergeant
Ivan Lakov, a Spetsnaz soldier who has infiltrated American soil to become
part of the corporation that systematically takes over during the greatest
economic downfall in the United States history. With no fully recognized
government left, your mission is to find out all the secrets that lye in the dark,
and to discover humanity’s fate.
### Features
* Squad based combat
* Powerful weapon unlocks
* Rank up against players online
* Realistic but fun feel
Each patch released adds even more content and features to Desolation: Earth be sure to look for news regarding patch notes and downloads
Desolation:Earth was developed by Dark Form Entertainment, Released in 2012-06-23
Desolation:Earth was Released on Windows
Desolation:Earth is a Single & Multiplayer game