Defend! : The Trolls Strike Back is a 3D Tower Defense game that provides players with the classical formula with some cool new enhancements. Towers have ammunition slots that can change a towers behavior. A tower that can shoot ice or fire arrows. The game also includes abilities like the traditional meteor plus special traps like a remote bomb that player can detonate at will. Towers can also be enhanced outside of battle, further expanding the possible builds player can prepare.
After years of peace and prosperity, the long forgotten enemy, the trolls, return for unknown reasons and march against your homeland. You must prepare the defenses and push them back from your land and take the fight to their mysterious leader.
**Launch Details**
Currently, the project is on hold indefinitely. Thank you for your interest.
Defend! : The Trolls Strike Back was developed by Hypoid
Defend! : The Trolls Strike Back was Released on Windows,Mac,Linux,Mobile,iOS,iPad,Android,AndroidTab
Defend! : The Trolls Strike Back is a Single Player game