Dashwalk Dueling is a minimalist indie fighting game. Its simple mechanics and visuals are the foundation for complex ground movement, creative combo routes, and fast-flowing combat! Choose from eight supers and reversals to dismantle the competition.
## About This Game
## Dashwalk Dueling
Dashwalk Dueling is a minimalist indie fighting game. Its minimal mechanics
and visuals are the foundation for complex ground movement, creative combo
routes, and fast-flowing combat! Choose from eight supers and reversals to
dismantle the competition.
## Combos
Dashwalk Dueling’s combo system lends itself well to 50/50’s and frame traps,
although some simple combo’s still existed throughout, as you carry your
opponent across the stage with jab strings. Players will darken when in
hitstun to help you to understand combos intuitively, alongside a combo
counter that will give you clear feedback on your combos and strings.
## Guarding and Parrying
Dashwalk Dueling has a deep guarding and parrying system. Players can hold a
guard against their opponent, and at any time during that guard they can dash
away, release the guard to parry, or guard poke, to help them to react to an
opponent’s option and parry. Guarding on its own does nothing but open up
these options, if you are hit while guarding, it is the same as being hit
while not guarding.
## Grounded Movement
Dashwalk Dueling’s combat is built around grounded movement. When you’re hit
offstage or run offstage, you can jump back, otherwise, no jumping is allowed.
This encourages spacing heavy grounded play with any airtime being a struggle
for your life.