Darken Age: The Awakening of the Forgotten for WWW is a free-to-play browser MMORPG (though the creators refer to it as AMRPG Asynchronous Multiplayer Role Playing Game) developed by a Polish studio Dark Workshop.
### The Plot
The game takes place in a fantasy world of Acheron. Dark Workshop decided not to use your typical fantasy races and created their own original species (many of them resemble humans). Story focuses on the invasion of an army of demons and mutants known as the Legion. Threatened by the evil forces, intelligent races of Acheron form an Alliance and send a special expedition to the source of evil, the island of Tamrel. We take the role of an adventurer who takes part in it.
### Mechanics
As in probably every MMORPG, we begin our adventure in Darken Age: The Awakening of the Forgotten for WWW with the creation of our hero. We can play as a Warrior, a Wizzard, or a Hunter, a steampunk gunslinger. Our hero gets stronger and stronger as we play, gaining access to more powerful skills and equipment.
We will explore the games rich world, fight with monsters, and do many questes given to us by NPCs in towns, villages, etc. The island of Tamrel is a vast place where we will find desersts, forests, mysterious ruins, and dark dungeons. Darken Age also has a crafting system (alchemy, cooking, enchanting, creating various pieces of equipment) that requires us to collect ingridients (we can choose from professions like herbalism, mining, or archeology).
In Darken Age: The Awakening of the Forgotten for WWW we can create parties with other players, go on raids, fight bosses, help each other in crafting, and so on. It is worth noting that our friend do not have to be online to play with us. Their character can be controlled by A.I. that tries to mimic his or hers play style. That is why Dark Workshop refers to their game as Asynchronous Multiplayer.
### Misc.
Darken Age: The Awakening of the Forgotten for WWW offers optional microtransactions. We can buy healing potions, reduce the time of crafting a given time to zero, or skip a part of a quest we are currently doing.
We observe the game from an isometric point of view. Character models are in 3D, but the areas we explore are hand-drawn, 2D backgrounds.