Dark Stars was developed by alexryanhiatt, Released in 2015-08
Dark Stars was Released on Windows,Android
Dark Stars is a Single Player game
Update: Dark Stars is out now! It’s available as a “name your price” download over at
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You are a dubious harbinger with the spooky power to digitize souls at a distance. Dig your way to the hearts of three advanced civilizations to rend out a secret common history. Glean clues from the environment and decipher the ramblings of a diverse cast of characters to discover why the seeds of an ancient religious schism are bearing macabre fruits in the present.
Dark Stars is an experimental, disempowering “anti-shmup” with bullet hell elements. Mastering its challenges requires careful maneuvering, proactive resource collection, and clever use of The Maw, an infernal presence that may or may not have your best interests at heart.
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* A vertical shoot-em-up without shooting. Incapacitate enemy ships by abducting their crews in challenging proximity-based combat.
* The souls you steal are your energy and your health. Offer them up to summon The Maw, a multifaceted trap with offensive and defensive properties. Feeding the maw boosts your offensive power.
* A cryptic religious sci-fi story spanning centuries and a 12 stage campaign.
* Unlockable gameplay mods, Pacifism and Chaos, add challenging twists to the combat.