## Description
_Dappervolk_ is a virtual pet game and avatar site with RPG elements. The
player is a world-hopper, one who has arrived in this world from elsewhere and
has no memories of their former life. World-hoppers can be one of four races –
humans, animals, elves, and galactics – and contain magical powers beyond the
norm in _Dappervolk_ ‘s world. One such power includes the ability to
transform inanimate objects into living creatures. The player is encouraged to
travel the world in order to uncover the truth about themselves and the other
world-hoppers, along the way befriending others and resolving problems.
Specific items can be “incubated”, which will cause them to come to life after
enough time has passed. Pets can be fed, interacted with, and given items as
gifts, all of which make them friendlier. A pet at maximum affection may
change its appearance, and user-made items called accessories may also be
applied to a pet to give it a unique look. Food and special items called
totems can increase a pet’s stats. The player may select one pet as their
active companion, which will cause that pet’s stats to be granted to the
player as buffs for as long as that pet remains active.
As the player explores the world, they will befriend NPCs and be asked to do
quests for them. Quests may be blocked off or have diverging branches
depending on the player’s stats, and it is even possible to permanently fail a
quest if the wrong choices are made. Quest rewards include rare items and
access to shops, and main storyline quests affect the player’s alliances and
progress through the world.