## Description
The cartoony golf game _CyberTiger_ makes its way from the consoles to the
Game Boy Color, adapted for the handheld with 2D graphics and a smaller
selection of courses and options.
Gameplay modes include Career, Strokes and Rapid Fire. Rapid Fire has two
golfers swinging at the same time trying to reach the hole first, and is the
only mode also available for two players via link cable.
The game contains three extravagant 18-hole courses: Grand Canyon, Hawaii and
Mt. Lava. During gameplay, a hole is seen from a top-down perspective. Before
the shot is made, the club and the direction are selected. Making a swing
follows the standard three-click method (start, power, accuracy). The shot is
shown in an animated sequence seen from behind the golfer.
A special twist comes into play with power-ups. These lie on the fairway and
are picked up when the ball flies over them. They can be used for extra
powerful shots, for making the opponent lose a stroke, for blowing their ball
away with a whirlwind, and more.