During the computer madness the cat Code pasted a bad secret code and turned into… Drappa, an intrepid conqueror of games and their heroes. On the same day he kidnapped and imprisoned all friends of CyberMycha. It seemed that they would stay in prison forever, but the friendly rodent didn’t think for a long time – he immediately set off to help his buddies. Many levels full of surprises and unusual enemies await him. On his way there are rolling barrels, animated lamps, crazy TV sets, scorpions from scalpels, cat mummies and other creatures that he would never have expected to exist.
Cybermycha and Drapp’s prisoners is an arcade game with a lot of logical riddles. The player helps the title rodent to bounce friends from Drapp’s cat hands. The animal wanders through different worlds, avoiding encounters with creatures living in them, and uses its unusual skills. Thanks to the CyberMycha tail cable, it can connect to the computer and move faster for at least a moment. He is also able to jump far and gains extraordinary strength.
The program is divided into four separate episodes, which appear on the market every quarter in Cybermych’s magazine. Each of them contains at least two worlds. Thanks to 3D graphics (TPP view) and uncomplicated rules of play, the game is definitely aimed at young players between 6-12 years old.
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