## Description
In this puzzle game, the player is presented with the game field on which a
specific region is marked. From the top Tetris-like blocks are randomly
falling down (arrows indicate the place where they fall). The shape and
texture of the block that is supposed to fall down is presented in the top
right window.
The aim of the player is to arrange fallen blocks in the Cyberblocks shape so
they can be destroyed. If they are destroyed in a specific region, the picture
behind is uncovered and stage can be completed.
Unlike “Tetris”, the player does not control the falling blocks but only those
that are on the ground – moving them left or right to make space for new
blocks. If two blocks of the same texture touch themselves, they will be
inseparately linked – thus the block to move will be bigger. The game can be
over when the player is out of Cyberblocks, or the tower with blocks is too
high and they can not be placed in the well.
Before each stage, the player can choose a difficulty level among two
different specific region shapes. Completion of the more difficult one will
grant you a bigger bonus.