Cuthbert in the Cooler
Cuthbert, the very versatile game protagonist, has ended up as a prisoner of
war. Now he must escape the camp and find his way to freedom.
The game is made up of three screens. In the first one, Cuthbert must escape
from the camp. As the guards spot him, they will shoot at him. Dodging a shot
gives you extra points, and bonus points if you make one guard shoot the
other. Before you can leave, you must pick up the key that the guards drop and
place it in the gate house so that the gate will open.
On the next screen, you are also hunted by guards, and must pick up the papers
that they drop before you make your way through a treacherous marsh and on to
the next screen.
The final screen is divided by a river. The guards drop money that you need to
pay for the ferry ride over. On the other side, even more guards are waiting,
and you must cross a minefield before escaping enemy territory.
Pressing the fire button will make Cuthbert run faster, but it also makes him
drop whatever he is carrying. Clearing all three screens makes the game start
over at a higher difficulty level.