The story takes place in an alien solar system and focuses on the history of its two inhabited planets: Parceria and Seneca. For many years, the people of these planets lived in harmony together with the seemingly more advanced Parcerians continually visiting the Senecans. However, something happened on Parceria: something caused the Parcerians to shut off all forms of communication, visitation and activity with Seneca. Over time, Parceria's environment died out, leaving only a planet-wide barren terrain. Hundreds of years have now passed and the current generation of Senecans see Parceria as nothing but a dead husk with the concept of life and companionship on it being mere, long forgotten legends.
One day, an enormous attack force flies from Parceria and attacks Seneca without warning. Confirmed to be the Parcerian Military, the invaders cripple Seneca's defense forces. Besides being well armed and equipped, the Parceria Military is also able to manipulate the wildlife to do its bidding through unknown means, ensuring no possible escape to safety. The desperate people of Seneca eventually discovered an ancient star fighter abandoned by the Parcerians called The Baldanders. Using its super-technology, the people of Seneca use the Baldanders in a counter-attack against the Parcerian invasion to destroy their main battleship: a large, mysterious warship known only as 'Mother.'
Minimum System Requirements | Recommended System Requirements | |
CPU | Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 | Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 |
VRAM | 1 FB | 2 GB |
RAM | 4 GB RAM | 6 GB RAM |
OS | Windows 7+ 64bit | Windows 7+ 64bit |
Graphics Card | NVIDIA GeForce 510 | NVIDIA GeForce 510 |
Direct X | Version 9.0 | Version 11 |
SOUND CARD | DirectX Compatible | DirectX Compatible |
HDD Space | 2 GB available space | 2 GB available space |
Game Analysis | In terms of game file size, you will need at least 2 GB of free disk space available. CURSE system requirements state that you will need at least 4 GB of RAM. If possible, make sure your have 6 GB of RAM in order to run CURSE to its full potential. The cheapest graphics card you can play it on is an NVIDIA GeForce 510. An Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 CPU is required at a minimum to run CURSE. CURSE will run on PC system with Windows 7+ 64bit and upwards. Additionally it has Mac and Linux versions. |
Minimum System Requirements | Recommended System Requirements | |
RAM | 2 GB RAM | 6 GB RAM |
OS | 10.11+ 64bit | 10.11+ 64bit |
HDD Space | 2 GB available space | 2 GB available space |
Minimum System Requirements | Recommended System Requirements | |
RAM | 2 GB RAM | 6 GB RAM |
OS | Standard 64bit | Standard 64bit |
HDD Space | 2 GB available space | 2 GB available space |