CubIsLand is an idea from Johnny (Gamedesigner, also known as “the Jayson’s brother”), that imagined a 2D pratformer game where the player could create blocks with many different properties, and these blocks would interfere with the scenario.
The original idea was that this game would be something like Super Mario Bros. 3. But we decided to change to a mix of platformer and puzzle, because this idea presents lots of possibilities of puzzles.
The gameplay: with keyboard, the player controls the character, and with mouse create blocks.As the game development is in the very beggining, we can’t promisse many things, but we have some planned ideas to the final version:
* The game will have an overworld map, Super Mario style;
* The game will have secret collectible itens, like coins or something like that, which will open secret stages;
* Some stages will have more than one exit (a normal one, and a secret one);
* The “creatable” cubes will be like Super Mario power-ups: in each stage, the player needs to get them to use it on the stage. Finishing the stage, the player losts the “creatable” cubes;
* It will have 4 worlds and a half;
* It will be alternative and bonus stages;
* The game will happen in an island (hence, “CubISLAND”), and the sceneries will change in each stage, progressively, as if the player was traveling on the island.
Well, this is it! As soon as we have updates, we will post it here and in our blog (! =D
CubIsland was developed by domestudio
CubIsland was Released on Flash
CubIsland is a Single Player game